Denver's Economic Forecast for July 2022

With so much change going on in our market we felt it important to provide a snapshot of the Denver economy. As someone who is currently a homeowner or looking to become one, you know how important it is to focus on all of the economic indicators that make up your wealth. When it comes to your real estate investment, we are excited to share that Denver is one of the best cities in the country when it comes to recession resiliency. And while the national numbers are important, we feel a hyperlocal approach to understanding our economy will help showcase why homeownership in Denver is such a strong investment.

Here's the quick breakdown:

  • employment numbers are up + unemployment numbers are down

  • closed home sales increased + apartment vacancies decreased

  • both airline passengers + hotel occupancies increased

Bottom Line: We have steady gains in employment, housing, tourism, and industrial growth. Denver continues to be an amazing place to invest in now and in the future!